As a woman, you know what it’s like to be over-scheduled. You know what it’s like to give to and care of others more than you do for yourself. You know what it’s like to put yourself last because someone who depends on you needs your time.
You know what it’s like to work hard all day and come home to take care of responsibilities at home, too. Or you work hard at home all day and still your work doesn’t end just because the sun sets.
Being on emotional and psychological overload has become a way of life for many women. They are strong and they can handle a lot, but sometimes in the cycle, they often lose sight of the fact that that in order to keep giving to those they love or doing what they love, they have to recharge, they have to center themselves again.
The following seven tips can help you improve your mental well being and you’ll discover that when you feel better mentally, you feel better all over.
Tip #1 - If you’re overextended, ask for help. If you feel like a mouse chasing the cheese and the cheese keeps four steps ahead of you, then you’re doing too much. It’s normal to want to handle responsibilities without wanting to ask for help. But when you’re too busy, that can lead to feelings of stress or burning out.
Tip #2 - Get rid of negativity. If you have relationships that are bad for you, it’s time to cut ties. Surround yourself with positive people - people who will nourish you and support you. Let go of past emotional hurts and anything that ties you to a negative experience.
Tip #3 - Just STOP! As a woman, you’re so busy, so on the go that you never just stop and do nothing. Even on days off, you’re busy doing something that you feel has to be taken care of. Give yourself time to stop. Take off - be unavailable to everyone but you. Meditate, get involved in yoga or something else that relaxes you.
Tip #4 - Take part in activities that you enjoy. We often let go of what we enjoy doing. We push it off to the side because we don’t feel we have the time. Make time for the activities you love.
Tip #5 - Physical health, including rest and exercise, is closely tied in to mental well being. Make sure that you’re taking care of yourself through eating right, getting plenty of rest and exercising.
Tip #6 - Unload your burdens. Don’t carry around stress inside. We all need an outlet to talk about the things that bother or upset us. Talk to your friends, a therapist, or even use a journal to get out the things that give you a heavy mental load.
Tip #7 - Live your passion. If you feel stuck or you feel like life is passing you by - or this isn’t what you signed up for, change it. It’s never too late to chase a passion you have. You might not be able to pack up and move to Paris today if that’s your dream, but take smaller steps to reach that goal if that’s what you want.
If you have a desire to improve your health, however you get overwhelmed by the HOW? Let me know! I'd love to hop on a Zoom and learn more about your health goals today! Schedule a call today!